• Tunisia, July 16th 2024 - 21:26:46
  • ENG

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the date of introduction of PGH share on stock exchange?

Poulina was admitted to the Tunis Stock Exchange on 07/07/2008


What is the ownership structure of PGH?

Founders Capital Partners: 73.37%
El Hana: 5.12%
Sofide: 3.31%
Company share. and Dev. Southern Tunisia: 2.53%
Other shareholders: 15.66%


How much is the proposed dividend in 2015?

The dividend distributed was 230 millimes per share


How can I be informed of the General meeting the publication of the annual report ...?

Just check the financial calendar in the section financial communication for all the dates


-How to become a shareholder of PGH?

Simply contact the introducer stock market of your choice to open an account in shares and buying shares PGH