• Tunisia, July 17th 2024 - 07:35:52
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Partnership between HMP and the NGO Education for Employment (EFE)
news Friday March 27th, 2015

As part of strengthening its HRM policy, PGH has realized a strategic partnership with the NGO Education for Employment (EFE), the project aims to connect young people seeking job placement opportunities in the key economic sectors.

To this end, a ceremony was held March 26, 2015, enhanced by the presence of Mr. Zied Ladhari, Minister of Vocational Training and Employment and Mr Abdelwaheb Ben Ayed and during which 12 new recruits were PGH certificates following a specific accelerated training in “Sales Force”.

Furthermore, and during this ceremony a second partnership between PGH and EFE Tunisia was sealed by a convention ratified by Mr Abdelwaheb Ben Ayed CEO of PGH and Mrs. Donia Ellouze, President of the Board of EFE-Tunisia and is concerning the Poulina Academy project.

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