• Tunisia, July 17th 2024 - 03:32:29
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Financial announcements and analysis

The Tunis Stock Market: Analysis of the session of 21 August 2008: issuing Poulina’s shares

The session was quite lively at the Tunis Stock Market with a volume ranging in the TND 4.810 million. There were especially three exceptions of companies whose shares were on the rise. The first one is Poulina, which without being listed during the session won some 4.50% points added to its theoretical rate. This rate moved to TND 8.360 under the pressure of an unsatisfied demand for more than 615 000 shares (308 orders) at market and opening prices against an offer of around 287 000 shares (1268 sale orders).

The number of orders from both sides reveals that it was mainly minor shareholders who sold their securities along with medium and long term investors positioning themselves on the values of the shares. Moreover, during yesterday’s session 9 block transactions were conducted on P .G .H for a number of shares exceeding the 4.2 millions.

Tunis stock market online,Read

Capital Increase Achievement

The stock market intermediary Tunisie Valeurs would like to inform the shareholders of POULINA GROUP HOLDING -PGH- and the public that the TND 16 670 000 increase in the share capital of the company decided by the Extraordinary General Meeting is open to public subscription as from 4 July 2008. The increase went in compliance with the prospectuses of Fixed Price Offer, warranted investment and admission to the core stock market. This same increase was registered under the N° OF 08/ 612 of 11 July 2008. As such it was conducted by issuing 16 670 000 shares of a 1 dinar nominal value charged by an issuing premium of TND 4.950 per share. The shares were subscribed in cash and entirely released at subscription date.

The share capital is hence augmented to 166 670 000 shares of a 1 dinar nominal value. Article 6 of the statute has been accordingly amended.

Liquid Assets Agreement

Tunisie Valeurs and Abdelwaheb Ben Ayed would like to inform the public that a liquid assets agreement was concluded regarding the shares of the Poulina Group Holding.

This contract was concluded for a period of 1 year starting as from the PGH shares listing date. The contract covers a sum of TND 20 000 000 (Twenty million dinars) and 1 500 000 shares (one million and five hundred thousands)

Communiqué of the SMB – Stock Market Board

Republic of Tunisia’ Official Listing published as enforcement of article 31 of Law N° 94-117 of 14 November 1994.


Poulina Group Holding : Results of the FPO

Poulina Group Holding’s FPO was a resounding success. The offer was subscribed 17.45 times for a total sum of TND 760.8 millions. In addition, the 9 344 470 new Poulina shares, offered within the framework of warranted investment have been fully sold to 209 buyers of which 52 were institutional non-resident foreigners.
Tunisievaleurs.com online, Read

Poulina (PGH)

– Extract from the Mac LC’s research note relative to the stock market listing at a fixed price. Read


The stock market intermediary Amen Invest has released a financial analysis dealing with the listing of Poulina Group Holding (PGH)
Amen Invest judges the shares as “diverse and having a high growth potential). It recommends subscribing in the stock market listing via FPO


A presentation on the upcoming listing of Poulina Group Holding (PGH) by:

-Mr. Fadhel Abdelkefi, Managing Director of Tunisie Valeurs, and
-Mr. Anis Ladhar, Senior Adviser at Ernst & Young