• Tunisia, July 17th 2024 - 05:20:45
  • ENG


Poulina Group Holding is present through the whole poultry industry, from animal feed to eggs and meat distribution (chicken and turkey).
This business is structured around two major axes:
Feed grains trade (corn, soya) which is the main activity of 2 PGH’s companies: Poulina and Cedria
Regular and vitaminized mineral feed for livestock compounds production and distribution through 2 other subsidiaries SNA and Almes
PGH, has become, since 45 years a major actor in this industry for 3 main reasons
A full team dedicated to supply, coached by Chicago Board of Trade advisors
A very large stocking capacity allowing PGH in one hand to take advantage of all the market opportunities and in the other hand to be very close to stockbreeders
A clear scale economy strategy to buy at the lowest possible price

Grain silos are spread all over the country. The first one, in Borj Cédria built to supply Central and Northern Tunisian areas. A second one is located in Sfax for the whole Southern part of Tunisia. A third one was built in Mateur to supply North West stockbreeders. A fourth one, in Sidi El Heni, is intended to fulfill Sahel meat and ruminant stockbreeders.

Poulina Group Holding also has 4 production sites dedicated to animal feed in the same four areas, with a total capacity of 450 000 tons per year.

The poultry is organized into 3 different departments:

Each department has its own production lines from breeding to distribution. It includes incubating, hatching, slaughtering and cutting.

Because it has been for more than 45 years in this industry, PGH capitalizes on major advantages, allowing our group to be the first Tunisian company in the business such as:

PGH, through its various subsidiaries operating in the poultry sector remains the main player in the market of poultry and livestock in Tunisia.

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